周瑞莲(), 强生斌, 逄金强, 宋玉
Comparison of tolerance threshold of coastal tree species with windbreak and sand fixation to strong wind-drift blowing
Ruilian Zhou(), Shengbin Qiang, Jinqiang Pang, Yu Song

图1. 间歇强净风和风沙流吹袭对柽柳、单叶蔓荆、黑松、紫穗槐叶片相对含水量影响
不同小写字母表示不同风吹袭次数和恢复期间叶片相对含水量差异显著(P <0.05)

Fig.1. The effect of interval strong wind blowing and strong wind-drift blowing on relative water content in the leaves of Pinus thunbergii, Tamarix chinensis, Amorpha fruticosa, Vitex trifolia