曹敏1,2(), 于禄鹏2(), 安萍2, 董治宝3, 赵俊香4, 赖忠平5, 王昌盛2
Luminescence chronology and environmental implications of palaeolacustrine sediments beneath linear dunes in northern Qarhan Salt Lake region
Min Cao1,2(), Lupeng Yu2(), Ping An2, Zhibao Dong3, Junxiang Zhao4, Zhongping Lai5, Changsheng Wang2

图1. 柴达木盆地的位置(A)、主要地貌(B)及采样点位置(C)
1—4:地表年代点[21];5:贝壳堤[6];6:雅丹点[20];7:风成沉积点[35];蓝线为现代2 710 m等高线

Fig.1. The location (A) and major landforms (B) of Qaidam Basin and samples location(C)