内蒙古荒漠草原沙生针茅(Stipa glareosa)、碱韭(Allium polyrhizum)和骆驼蓬(Peganum harmala)叶形态性状对土壤水氮耦合的响应
郭新新1,2(), 左小安1(), 岳平1, 李香云1,2, 赵生龙1,2, 吕朋1,2, 胡亚1,2
Responses of leaf morphological traits of three dominant plants to water and nitrogen in desert steppe of Inner Mongolia
Xinxin Guo1,2(), Xiaoan Zuo1(), Ping Yue1, Xiangyun Li1,2, Shenglong Zhao1,2, Peng Lv1,2, Ya Hu1,2

图1. 不同优势植物叶形态性状对增减雨的响应

Fig.1. The response of leaf morphological traits of different dominant species to increase and decrease precipitation