赵洋(), 潘颜霞, 苏洁琼, 张志山()
Research status and development trend of green and environmental protection technologies on desertification land prevention in arid region of China
Yang Zhao(), Yanxia Pan, Jieqiong Su, Zhishan Zhang()

图2. 沙坡头站蓝藻规模化生产基地(A)、“草方格+蓝藻藻液”方法培育的人工蓝藻结皮(B, C和D; 引自Zhao等[23]

Fig.2. Cyanobacteria cultivation base in Shapotou station (A) and artificial cyanobacteria crust cultivated by using “straw-checkerboard barriers with cyanobacteria” method(B, C and D; Cited from Zhao et al.[23]