柳本立, 彭婉月, 刘树林, 杨婷

Estimation on the dust lift amount and source contribution of the heavy dust weather in mid-March 2021 over Central East Asia
Benli Liu, Wanyue Peng, Shulin Liu, Ting Yang
图7 蒙古戈壁阿尔泰省的草地超载畜牧(A,拍摄于2019年6月4日)和前杭爱省地表沙化状况(B,拍摄于2019年6月10日)
Fig.7 Overgrazing at Altai Province (A, photo taken on Jun 4, 2019) and land desertification at Ovorhangay Province (B, photo taken on Jun 4, 2019) of Mongolia