侯瑶芳, 曹生奎, 曹广超, 王志刚, 王有财, 康利刚

Relationship between hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope compositions of soil water and soil water storage in Shaliuhe River Basin of Qinghai Lake
Yaofang Hou, Shengkui Cao, Guangchao Cao, Zhigang Wang, Youcai Wang, Ligang Kang
图7 沙柳河流域不同海拔带及全流域土壤水δ18O、d-excess值、土壤贮水量(SWS)与环境因子(NDVI,植被指数;ET,蒸散发;P,降水;T,气温;Al,海拔)的相关关系
Fig.7 Correlations between soil water δ18O, d-excess value, soil water storage and environmental factors in different height zones 3 200-3 500 m (A), 3 500-3 800 m (B), 3 800-4 200 m(C), and the whole basin (D) in the Shaliu River Basin