晋西北丘陵风沙区不同种植年限柠条( Caragana korshinskii )种子更新早期过程对干旱胁迫的响应机制
张宇, 缑倩倩, 高敏, 张妍, 郭文婷, 王国华

The response mechanism of early seed regeneration process of Caragana korshinskii bushes with different plantation ages in sandy-hilly region of northwest Shanxi Province
Yu Zhang, Qianqian Gou, Min Gao, Yan Zhang, Wentin Guo, Guohua Wang
图5 干旱胁迫对不同年限柠条种子天然更新过程可能的影响机制
Fig.5 Possible mechanism of drought stress on the natural regeneration process of Caragana korshinskii seeds with different ages