邵梅, 罗万银, 顿耀权, 逯军峰, 王芳, 李得禄, 满多清, 雷丰丰, 张彩霞

Differences in micromorphology and chemical element composition of topsoil and dust from degraded lake basins in arid region
Mei Shao, Wanyin Luo, Yaoquan Dun, Junfeng Lu, Fang Wang, Delu Li, Duoqing Man, Fengfeng Lei, Caixia Zhang
图2 野外梯度式降尘塔照片(图A右下角为在现场同步布置的TSL DUSTTRAK Ⅱ 8530粉尘检测仪和Metone多通道激光粒子计数器,用于收集现场的PM10样品)
Fig.2 Photos of gradient dust tower in the field (A: North of Qingtu Lake, with TSL DUSTTRAK Ⅱ 8530 dust detector and Metone multi-channel laser particle counter arranged synchronously in the lower right corner for PM10 sample collection)