董祝雷, 姜学恭, 衣娜娜, 许志丽, 杭月荷, 于水燕

Numerical simulation of the influence of wind speed and vegetation on dust weather in Inner Mongolia, China
Zhulei Dong, Xuegong Jiang, Nana Yi, Zhili Xu, Yuehe Hang, Shuiyan Yu
图8 蒙古国南部(A)、二连浩特(C)实际起沙量和模拟的不同植被、不同风速下蒙古国南部(B)、二连浩特(D)起沙量
Fig.8 The actual sand emission of southern Mongolia (A) and Erenhot (C), and the simulated sand emission of southern Mongolia (B) and Erenhot (D)