任嘉隆, 刘继亮, 王永珍, 方静, 冯怡琳, 高安岭, 宋嫒霞, 辛未冬

Response of ground arthropod assemblages to precipitation and temperature changes in the gobi desert
Jialong Ren, Jiliang Liu, Yongzhen Wang, Jing Fang, Yilin Feng, Anling Gao, Yuanxia Song, Weidong Xin
图1 2018—2020年1—12月研究区月降水量、相对湿度、月平均温度、月平均最高温度和月平均最低温度
Fig.1 Monthly precipitation, monthly relative humidity, monthly mean temperature, monthly mean maximum temperature, and monthly mean minimum temperature in the study area from January to December in 2018 to 2020