任嘉隆, 刘继亮, 王永珍, 方静, 冯怡琳, 高安岭, 宋嫒霞, 辛未冬

Response of ground arthropod assemblages to precipitation and temperature changes in the gobi desert
Jialong Ren, Jiliang Liu, Yongzhen Wang, Jing Fang, Yilin Feng, Anling Gao, Yuanxia Song, Weidong Xin
图2 戈壁荒漠地表节肢动物长期监测采样点示意图和生态系统长期观测场航拍照片
Fig.2 Schematic diagram of sampling points for long-term monitoring of ground arthropods and aerial photographs of long-term observation sites in the gobi desert