管超, 武子丰, 哈斯额尔敦

Dynamic characteristics and genesis of reticulate dunes on the western fringe of the Hobq Desert
Chao Guan, Zifeng Wu, Hasi Eerdun
图9 1970—2020年库布齐沙漠西缘格状沙丘场形态变化及矢量化数据
Fig.9 Vectorization and morphological changes of the reticulate dune field from 1970 to 2020 in the western fringe of the Hobq Desert. A-D are the images from 1970 to 2020; E-H are the vectorization lines of the primary ridges; I-L are the vectorization lines of the secondary ridges; M is the dune field boundary line; N-P are the inter-dune vectorization surfaces