


中国沙漠 ›› 1984, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 41-49.

• 中关沙澳科学讨论会论文 • 上一篇    



  1. 中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所
  • 出版日期:1984-12-20 发布日期:1984-12-20

The Development and Utilization of Water and Land Resources in River Valley and the Establishment of Ecosystem of Artificial Oasi in Arid Zone

Gao Qianzhao   

  1. Institute of Desert Research, Academia Sinica
  • Online:1984-12-20 Published:1984-12-20

摘要: 本文分析了新疆天山北坡玛纳斯河流域治理沙漠、防治沙漠化的开发过程。总结了该地区根根流域生态系统特点,充分发挥流域内水土资源潜力,以水资源限度及其利用水平作好流域规划。并从建设完整的水资源系统、联合运用地表和地下水、掌握灌溉技术三方面充分发挥水资源的生态效益出发,同时注重建设沙漠地区绿洲防护体系,改良土壤提高土地生产力和调整农林牧结构的经验。因而,石河子垦区已建立成为一个典型的人工灌溉绿洲生态系统。

关键词: 玛纳斯河流域, 水资源系统, 流域规划, 绿洲生态系统, 水土资源, 水资源开发, 内陆河流域, 水土平衡, 防护体系, 人工灌溉

Abstract: In China, there are many inland rivers in arid zone, and in most desert, they can be found in intermontane basins. Rivers arc divided into interior valleys according to their watershed. Each one can be regarded as an integrated function unit of a closed valley ecosystem. This paper discuses processes of developing the river vally controlling deserts and combating desertification in the Manas Rriver valley on the north slope of the Tian Shan mt.. People there has made the full use of potential of water and land resources within the valley based on characteritics of the valley ecosystem. At first, they made overall planning valley of the according to water resources limits and its condition. Then the efficiency of water resources was made full use on desert ecological balance in the valley through constructing a complete valley water resource system, coordinating use of surface and underground water and mastering irrigation techniques. Moreover it is necessary to establish oases protective system in desert areas, improve soil fertility for raising productivity of land and regulate the structure of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandery. So doing an new ecosystem of artificial irrigation oasis, Shihezi Reclaimed Area is one of the example, has been established.