Grain-size Distribution and its Significance in Liaowadian Profile in the Upper Hanjiang River Valley, China
Received date: 2012-04-18
Revised date: 2012-05-23
Online published: 2012-05-23
杨建超 , 庞奖励 , 黄春长 , 查小春 , 吴帅虎 . 汉江上游郧县辽瓦店剖面粒度组成特征及其意义[J]. 中国沙漠, 2013 , 33(3) : 682 -687 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00098
The Liaowadian profile in the first level river terraces of the upper Hanjiang River valley was surveyed in detail, and then sampled systematically. Profile structure was observed in the field. Grain size distribution was analyzed in laboratory and compared with aeolian deposit in the Weihe River valley. An integration of the results shows that the loess and paleosol (S0) in the LWD profile were composed mainly of coarse silt (10-50 μm), and the loess and paleosol (S0) fall in the same area in the grain frequency curves, grain triangular diagram and grain parameter structure scatter diagram. It suggests that loess and paleosol (S0) have the same material source, but different from those of the slackwater deposits (SWD). They are the same as the Holocene loess-paleosol sequences in the Weihe River valley in stratigraphic structure, macroscopic characteristics and grain-size distribution. It indicates that the loess and paleosol (S0) from the LWD profile have aeolian features. Average loess grain size of the LWD profile is more finer than those in the Weihe River valley because dust storm activity decreased after it across the Qinling Mountains.
Key words: grain-size; loess; Liaowadian; the upper Hanjiang River valley
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