Using daily maximum temperature, minimum temperature and mean temperature, sunshine hours, evaporation, precipitation, relative humidity, average wind speed observation data from five meteorological stations in Wuwei from 1961 to 2010, characteristics of spatial-temporal distribution and intensity of diurnal temperature range were systematically analyzed with trend coefficient method, meteorological influence factors of diurnal temperature range were analyzed with standardized regressive coefficient in multi-linear regression. The local diurnal temperature range in low altitude area was bigger than in high altitude area because of effects of local weather system, landform and altitude. Diurnal temperature range assumed overall reducing trend at scales of year and decade, the reducing trend was very obvious in Gulang and Minqin. Time series of diurnal temperature range had six to eight years quasi-periodic variation. Variation trend of diurnal temperature range in each season was inconsistent, assumed overall reducing trend. Monthly variation of diurnal temperature range also had certain difference, except Tianzhu two troughs are in March and September, two peaks were from April to June and in Octomber. Maximum and minimum values of annual diurnal temperature range assumed reducing trend. Annual maximum and minimum temperatures assumed increasing trend. Annual diurnal temperature range and annual maximum and minimum temperatures assumed opposite variation trend. Minimum temperature rapid increasing and maximum temperature slow rising were the direct reason of diurnal temperature range reducing. Reducing trend of diurnal temperature range was greater in the season of minimum temperature significant increasing. Evaporation, mean air temperature, average wind speed and sunshine were the main influencing factors of annual diurnal temperature range in Wuwei. The most relevant factor was evaporation, the second was average temperature. Diurnal temperature range was positively correlated with sunshine hours, evaporation, relative humidity and average wind speed, showed negative correlation with average temperature and precipitation. Main influence factors of diurnal temperature range were different in each station.
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