The objective of this study was to evaluate the diversity of culturable fungi isolated from the moss crusts growing in the Southern Gurbantunggut Desert. Dilution plate technique and ITS-rDNA sequence analysis were applied toobtain the sequences of 24 different colonies isolated from the moss crusts, which were subsequently submitted to GenBank and compared with those known sequences to build up the Phylogenetic tree. Results revealed that these strains were clustered into 3 phyla, 7 classes, 8 orders, 10 families, 12 genera, and the majority of them belong to Ascomycotina and Deuteromycetes. The dominant genera were Penicillium and Alternaria, the other genera included Phoma, Aspergillus, Fusarium, ect. We also isolated a thermotolerant fungi MF12 (KJ935021) and a fungi that produces special enzyme MF11 (KJ935022), implying the potential of utilizing the moss crust resource in the Southern Gurbantunggut Desert.
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