Aboveground litter biomass is an important component of the nutrient and carbon cycling in artificial forests. Litters are produced by the plants and return to the soil eventually, provide matter and energy sources for the decomposition. In order to quantify annual litterfall biomass of the extreme arid Taklimakan Desert Highway shelter forests, the litter biomass, composition and dynamics were investigated throughout one year in 2014. The artificial shelterbelt included three species of plants, Calligonum arborescens, Haloxylon ammodendron, and Tamarix ramosissima. The results showed that the annual litterfall biomass was up to 8 301.96, 9 089.71, 10 540.64, 6 184.70, 7 929.95 kg·hm-2 at the stand ages of 8, 10, 13, 16, and 19 years. With assimilative branches of C. arborescens and H. ammodendron, and branches of T. ramosissima being dominant components of litterfall during the entire year in different age's shelterbelt, which contributed to 89.05%, 79.16%, 75.28%, 78.75%, 81.14% in the total litterfall biomass at the stand ages of 8, 10, 13, 16, and 19 years, respectively. The analysis of variance showed that there was a significant difference in the amounts of the assimilative branches, branches, leaves, seeds, flowers and others among different shelterbelt ages (P<0.05) .There was similar seasonal dynamic in different ages, the higher litterfall biomass in spring and autumn, and the lower litterfall biomass in summer and winter. Monthly changes in litterfall pattern showed three peaks in the total biomass and biomass for the assimilative branches of C. arborescens and H. ammodendron, and the branches of T. ramosissima, reaching the peaks in March to May, July, and September to November. While no obvious litterfall pattern was found for leaves, seeds and others, and flowers only present from April to August.
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