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JOURNAL OF DESERT RESEARCH  2015, Vol. 35 Issue (5): 1239-1247    DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00121
Floral Syndrome and Pollination Characteristics of four Calligonum Species (Polygonaceae) under ex-situ Conservation
Kang Xiaoshan1, Sophia3, Duan Shimin1, Pan Borong1, Zhang Yongzhi2, Tian Cong4
1. Key Laboratory of Biogeography and Bioresource in Arid Land, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China;
2.Turpan Eremophytes Botanical Garden, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China;
3. College of Life Science and Technology,Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China;
4. Grassland Institute, Xinjiang Academy of Animal Science, Urumqi 830000, China
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The flower and pollination characteristics of four Calligonum L. species cultivated in the Turpan Eremophyte Botanical Garden were investigated by measurement of floral organs, observation of flowering dynamics, pollen ovule ratio and behaviors of pollinators. The main results are as follows: The flowers of the four species are bisexual. Differences are founded in the color and size of flowers among species. The flowering dynamics for singular flower is identical, with pollens gradually presented. The fragrance is mainly from anther and receptacle. Their pollens are the "starch" pollen, with the P/O value ranged 31000-44750. The pollinators are essential for pollen dispersal and the entomoplily and anemophily are two main intermediaries. The most effective pollinators are Apis mellifera, which are typical high removed and low deposited. High visiting frequency and repeated visits increase the pollination efficiency significantly. The quantity and quality of pollens have no matter with high inembryonate rate, and it might be caused by the pollen clogging and resource limitations. The mechanism of high inembryonate rate is still not clear and needed further study.

Key words:  Calligonum      ex-situ conservation      flower characteristics      pollination characteristic     
Received:  12 June 2014      Published:  20 September 2015
ZTFLH:  Q944.3  

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Kang Xiaoshan, Sophia, Duan Shimin, Pan Borong, Zhang Yongzhi, Tian Cong. Floral Syndrome and Pollination Characteristics of four Calligonum Species (Polygonaceae) under ex-situ Conservation. JOURNAL OF DESERT RESEARCH, 2015, 35(5): 1239-1247.

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