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JOURNAL OF DESERT RESEARCH  2015, Vol. 35 Issue (3): 549-554    DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00014
Wind Regime in the Qaidam Basin Desert
Bao Feng1,2, Dong Zhibao1,3, Zhang Zhengcai3
1. College of Tourism and Environment Science, Shaanxi Normal University; Xi'an 710062, China;
2. College of Tourism and Culture Science, Xi'an University, Xi'an 710065, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
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Abstract  Based on the annual wind data collected from the three meteorological stations by field observation, the temporal and spatial variations of wind regime, include wind speed, wind direction and sand drift potential, were conducted and analyzed in this paper. The results indicate that the seasonal variations of the local wind speed, according to the maximum value in the spring and the minimum value in the winter, were obvious. The wind regime increased from northwest to southeast. Although the direction of the sand driving wind is mainly NW and WNW in the area, the combinations between the first wind direction and the second wind direction were significantly different. The northwest wind, with a high proportion, was more important and stable than the southeast wind which rarely occurred but summer. The wind energy environment was intermediate in the Qaidam Basin. Annually, the sand activities were fiercest in the spring. Furthermore, the intensity of sand activities was gradually increased toward the SE of the study area.
Key words:  wind regime      sand dune      Qaidam Basin Desert     
Received:  03 December 2014      Published:  20 May 2015
ZTFLH:  P931.3  
Articles by authors
Bao Feng
Dong Zhibao
Zhang Zhengcai

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Bao Feng, Dong Zhibao, Zhang Zhengcai. Wind Regime in the Qaidam Basin Desert. JOURNAL OF DESERT RESEARCH, 2015, 35(3): 549-554.

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