Sandy Desertification Early-warning Model based on a 30 m×30 m Grid Scale: A case study on middle section of the lower reaches of Tarim River
Received date: 2012-03-26
Revised date: 2012-05-30
Online published: 2013-01-20
The lower reaches of the Tarim River was chosen as the study area, and a sandy desertification early-warning index system and model was set up based on understanding of climate, land surface, and human factors of sandy desertification. The early-warning indices were quantified and rasterized by ArcGIS based on remote sensing data, and the distribution patterns of sandy desertification in 1990, 2000 and 2006 in the study area were carried out on a grid scale of 30 m×30 m. The output results in 1990 and 2000 were used to correct the parameters, and the output results in 2006 were used for validation. Simulation results showed that the accurate rate was more than 90%, showing the model had good simulation effect. The development trend of sandy desertification in 2015 was predicted using this model under intermittent ecological water transport and no ecological water transport. The intermittent water transport made some desertification reversion, so it was a necessary measure to prevent sandy desertification. But in any case, desertification reversion only took place along the Tarim River, and the desertification status in the study area can not be changed thoroughly.
MENG Xian-yong1 , 2 , LIU Zhi-hui2 , 3 , 4 , LI Cheng-zhi2 , 3 , CAI Lei5 , LIU Dun-li6 . Sandy Desertification Early-warning Model based on a 30 m×30 m Grid Scale: A case study on middle section of the lower reaches of Tarim River[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2013 , 33(1) : 24 -32 . DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00004
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