To examine the anatomical types of leaves and assimilating shoots in Chenopodiaceae and evaluate their carbon isotope fractionation values, a total of 30 species representing 4 tribes (Atripliceae, Camphorosmeae, Suaedeae and Salsoleae) in Xinjiang were examined using light microscopy and carbon 13C/12C isotope fractionation value. There are 12 leaf anatomical types. In tribe Atripliceae, it includes two leaf anatomical types, Atriplicoid-Ⅰ and Atriplicoid-Ⅱ. The only difference between these two types is the presence or absence of hypodermis. In tribe Camphorosmeae, there are three leaf anatomical types, including Kochioid-Ⅰ type with hypodermis, Kochioid-Ⅱ type with Kranz cells forming arcs or almost a ring, and Kochioid-Ⅲ type without hypodermis. In tribe Suaedeae, it includes three leaf anatomical types, Kranz-Suaedoid-Ⅰ and Kranz-Suaedoid-Ⅱ are with hypodermis. Borszczowia aralocaspica is of the Kranz-Suaedoid-Ⅱ type, with a distinctive one layer of mesophyll cells. Kranz-Suaedoid-Ⅲ type is without hypodermis. There are four anatomical types of leaves and assimilating shoots in Salsoleae. The differences between four leaf anatomical types in Salsoleae are the presence or absence of hypodermis, the position of small peripheral vascular bundles and complete or incomplete Kranz layer. The carbon isotope fractionation values for 30 species are ranged from -11.4‰ to -14.5‰, suggestive of a possible C4 pathway, which coincides with the leaf anatomical structures.
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