In this paper, we reviewed the basic concepts and theories of PES (Payment of Ecological Services) or so-called compensation, summarized the compensation standards, development of compensation methods, outlined compensation principles, policies, measures and other key areas, such as the current problems raised too dependent on government leadership, the focus is not set clearly, compensation range is not clear, legislation does not perfect etc. Also, an outlook on future research should pay attention to the problems and priorities: firstly, to maintain government supervision, while introduce several market-based instruments during the implementation of river basin ecological compensation. Secondly, to distinguish between the use of protective and destructive acts of ecological resources, so as to adopt a flexible approach on the behavior of the corresponding amount of compensation to be adjusted to compensate effectively raise funds, and optimize the compensation of capital sources. Thirdly, given that the characteristics of the eastern and western basin areas varied from population, resources and environment, the compensation should distinguish between "arid or wetland" and "bad water or good water" to take a different focus. In addition, as the implementation of "Ancient Silk Pathway" policy, ecological protection and environmental management has been set to the initial strategy. And the endowment of resources should synthetically take ecological, social and economic factors into account. Fourthly, to strengthen legislation against ecological factors, such as the Soil Protection Act, the Clean Air Act, to fulfill the establishment of a sound legal system, and protection of ecological compensation for effective watershed.
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