In this study, four types of sand-resistance nets with a height of 120cm were designed according to structure of the windbreaks characterized by an uniform porosity (a), 60cm-wide nets with a upper sparse and lower dense porosity (b), 10/20cm-wide nets with a interactive porosity (c), and 40cm-wide nets (d). The above mentioned nets was placed over some inter-dune corridor of central Taklimakan Desert. The results showed that: (1) These erosion and accumulation shapes of the deposited sand section presented in unimodal form, but their width and height were various; moreover, the height of all the three types of sand-blocking net with the non-uniform porosity was bigger than that of the sand-blocking net with the uniform porosity, and the order was c> b> d> a. (2) The mass of deposited sand was c> a> b> d, and mainly focused on the leeward. However, b and c is more than that of a and d for the mass of deposited sand on the windward side. (3) The deposited sand mass of different types of windbreaks and their spatial distribution discrepancy closely related with the structures of the sand blocking net and special wind field.
Ma Xuexi
Li Shengyu
He Zhihui
Wang Haifeng
Feng Xiao
Wu Xincheng
. Comparison of the Sand-blocking Effects of HDPE Windbreaks[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2016
, 36(4)
: 925
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2015.00120
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