An effective method of formulating "win-win" policies and the implementation of measures for regional development and ecological protection is to examine types, formation mechanisms, scale dependences and regional differences of tradeoffs and synergies among the ecosystem services. Based on relevant research models, this study evaluates the quality of NPP, soil conservation, water retention and sand prevention at the Yinchuan basin in 2000 and 2014. Besides, it also discusses tradeoffs and synergies among ecosystem services and the characteristics of spatial distribution of ecological environment by using the correlation analysis, ESTD, hot cartography of space, and makes a machine to rational analysis. The result shows that, during the period of 2000 to 2014, the four kinds of ecosystem service qualities have significantly improved, whose distribution are rendered "around the high, middle low" spatial distribution pattern; The correlation analysis displays that synergy is the dominant relationship among ecosystem services, and the synergy degree of NPP with water retention and sand prevention is more obvious. The hot cartography of space indicates that the increased area of high value of the grid account for 21.64% of the total, while the reduced grid of high value items account for 21.49% of the total. This suggests that the whole function of ecosystem services in Yinchuan basin is increasing trend, but the internal law of increase or reduce is not inconsistent. The mechanism analysis shows that east, in latitudinal direction, rainfall factor impact on the ecosystem services accounts for dominant, 0.368; In east direction, the vegetation and elevation plays the leading role of 0.572 and 0.563 respectively; In northeast to southwest, the elevation and moisture effects on the ecosystem are the largest, -0.487 and -0.417 respectively; In northwest to southeast, it is also influencing the elevation and moisture, 0.628 and -0.628. Along with the change of scale, the tradeoff-synergy of ecosystem service has obvious scale dependence; The influence factors of the same scale space distribution pattern also have a big difference.
Li Hongjian
Ren Zhiyuan
Liu Yanxu
Zhang Jing
. Tradeoffs-synergies Analysis among Ecosystem Services in Northwestern Valley Basin: Taking Yinchuan Basin as an Example[J]. Journal of Desert Research, 2016
, 36(6)
: 1731
DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2016.00049
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