中国沙漠 ›› 1993, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 14-17.
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Liu Yingxin
摘要: 中国沙漠植物志共有3卷255.2万字,1985-1992年由科学出版社出版。其中共收录90科、570属、1693种、530图幅。第一卷后附中国沙漠分布图。每种植物有中名、拉丁名、文献、描述、分布、生境及用途;并有属及种的检索表。在常见文献中有些误用名及混淆种,我们予以订正和澄清。在附录中按国际命名法规发表新属1、新种8、新变种5个。
关键词: 植物志, 中国沙漠
Abstract: The Chinese Desert Flora are composed of three volumes with 2,252 thousands Chinese characters, published during the years 1985-1992 by Science Press. In these Volumes 90 families, 570 genera 1,693 species of plants,and 530 plates were published,and a map of Chinese deserts was appended in the first volume. In the record of each species there are Chinese name and Latin name of plants,literature,diagnosis,habitat and usage, and also keys of genera and species. We had made corrections of misused names and cleared up a certain number of species confusion in some of the old literature. In addenda there are diagnosis of new taxa that include 1 new genus,8 new species, and 5 new varieties according to the International Code of Nomenclature. These volumes involve all the plant genera and species in the desert areas and sandy lands in the northern part of China and may fill the gaps in the field of Chinese desert flora.
刘媖心. 中国沙漠植物志编写梗概[J]. 中国沙漠, 1993, 13(3): 14-17.
Liu Yingxin. About the Chinese Desert Flora[J]. JOURNAL OF DESERT RESEARCH, 1993, 13(3): 14-17.
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