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JOURNAL OF DESERT RESEARCH  2015, Vol. 35 Issue (3): 690-698    DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2014.00078
Global Dust Remote Sensing with the FengYun-3 Satellite
Luo Jingning, Xu Zhe, Qi Yonggang
National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081, China
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Abstract  The FengYun-3 (FY-3) series is the second generation of Chinese sun-synchronous meteorological satellites. The global observation data of FY-3 series can be implemented to monitoring and analysis of the emission, development, and transportation of the dust weather worldwide. In this paper, the Visible and InfraRed Radiometer (VIRR) data of FY-3 series satellite were used to explain the physical principles of the dust weather remote sensing, to analyze the multi-channel spectral characteristics of the dust, and to present the integrated remote sensing detection algorithm of the dust weather. The obvious histogram peak value at near-infrared channel (1.6 μm) can be applied to the dynamic identification of the dust weather. The reflection and radiation fusion characteristics of infrared channel (3.7 μm), can clearly distinguish dust from other objects. There exists difference of the absorption attenuation in the two infrared split window channels of the dry dust, this fact is meaningful for detect the weak dust. Built on the e-index of near-infrared channel (1.6 μm) and the infrared split window channel ratio index, the algorithm of dust intensity index was presented in this paper, which can indicate the global dust intensity distribution quantitatively. The instance of dust weather occurrence on the same day in four sandstorm-prone areas in the world reflects that the global observing capability of FY-3 series.
Key words:  sandstorm      remote sensing      FengYun-3 satellite      dust detection      dust intensity index     
Received:  21 April 2014      Published:  20 May 2015
ZTFLH:  P445.4  
Articles by authors
Luo Jingning
Xu Zhe
Qi Yonggang

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Luo Jingning, Xu Zhe, Qi Yonggang. Global Dust Remote Sensing with the FengYun-3 Satellite. JOURNAL OF DESERT RESEARCH, 2015, 35(3): 690-698.

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