


中国沙漠 ›› 1991, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 7-12.

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宝音, 邱国玉   

  1. 中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所
  • 出版日期:1991-03-20 发布日期:1991-03-20

The Boundary between Irrigation Plantation Area and Nonirrigation Plantation Area in Arid and Semi arid Region of China

Bao Yin, Qiu Guoyu   

  1. Institute of Desert Research, Academia Sinica, Lanzhou
  • Online:1991-03-20 Published:1991-03-20


本文根据"三北"防护林体系建设中的理论研究和实践经验得出: ①我国"三北"防护林体系荒漠半荒漠区无灌溉条件下造林的降水极限, 在大陆性季风气候区为150-200mm。在地中海气候区, 为100-150mm。②最大根幅区的降水收入与水分支出平衡时的降水量, 就是理论上无灌溉条件下造林的降水极限。③水平根系越发达, 无灌溉、无地下补给条件下植物的抗旱性越强。较小的造林密度有利于脆弱的水分平衡。④耐旱乔木造林的地下水埋深极限为4-6米; 耐旱灌木(小乔木)为5-10m。耐盐乔木的矿化度极限为3g/l; 耐盐灌木为3-8g/t。

关键词: 无灌溉, 宜林极限, 降水量, 地下水位, 地下水矿化度


In arid and semi aird region of China, precipitation between irrigation plantation region and non-irrigation plantation region is 150-200mm in the monsoon climatic region and 100-150mm in the Mediterranean climatic region. In the area where precipiation is less than their limit precipitation, non-irrigation plantation should be carried out; where the groundwater table is lower than 4-6m it suits to plant trees and lower than 5-10m for xeric shrubs(dwarf trees). Mineral content of groundwater is less than 3g/l. for salt-avoiding trees and 3-8g/l. for salt-avoiding shrubs.